BIOS Plant Probiotic is full of beneficial bacteria cultures called Lactobacillus that are an extremely effective anti-fungal & anti-bacterial microbe that can treat a variety of plant diseases. The Plant Probiotic also contains molasses which is packed full of essential micronutrients and vitamins. This product is extremely beneficial for any blooming plants such as Hoyas, Orchids, etc. It helps with propagations, transplants, and seed soaks to keep roots protected while providing a source of quick natural nutrition.
Foliar spray on outdoor plants: Always spray plants in the morning, or evening when the sun is less intense otherwise burning can occur.
Molds & Mildews: To control fungal disease, dilute probiotic and apply to cloth or paper towel. Wipe leaves thoroughly being careful not to touch other plants. Mist plant immediately after with diluted probiotic. Spray bi-weekly to prevent fungal disease from returning.
Add Yucca: Whether using as a foliar spray or drench, we always mix this with our yucca to make it stick to leaves, and coat the roots.